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From Keith
29-01-2020   (10:24:22)

My first slot car set
Long ago for Christmas one year I received a Scalextric set the only thing I really remember about it was that it had a red shark nose Ferrari in it

and the track was a figure eight .Having done some Google searches it would seem that this had to be set GP33 the only one to contain the Ferrari 156 which was only available in 1963.

So now I know when I first started to slot race as a seven year old in 1963 opps that's let my age out.The set was setup and used over Christmas day and Boxing day but after this it did not get a lot of use.My friends at the time did not have a lot of interest in slot racing and as an only child I had to just drive one car around and around or hope that my dad would have time to play but most times it just took to long to set it up and so it didn't get used. It also didn't help that to start with it was being run from battery packs.
The following year for my Birthday or Christmas I received a train set and with that came a mains transformer so no more batteries. In the end after a year or so the set was sold and thus ended my early introduction to slot cars

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