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Rally In A Shed 2
October 2012

The track by the field entrance has now had one coat of Klear the two coats of matt clear and then a satin clear but the tracks still quite grippy. As an idea to the grip levels it's like comparing 800 to 1200 grip sandpaper. I can see two options at the moment, I could try sanding the surface to get it smooth and the Klear coat or give it at thick coat of brown emulsion to represent a very muddy road and the Klear coat.

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The fence has now had a coat of matt clear to loose the shene from the Tamyia Smoke and I'm happy with the look of the fence and a close up of the step over crossing.

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I also used the Smoke paint to weather the entrance to the tunnel and found a use for the tyres. Again I like the look of the effect from the Tamyia Smoke again with a coat of matt clear.

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I've also made some large straw bailes, like the finish but not sure about the size. Done with farm silage golden flock glued to urethane foam with PVA and a spray of PVA over the top which took for ever to dry. Also go some small plastic straw bales in the farm collection I got on the ebay.

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Carried on with the green gound cover around the edge of the track. Also added some fine grass cover to the larger areas. So as not to waste any flock and ground coverand to clean up any over spill I've got a little battery vacuum cleaner (only £3.00) and it works a treat, powerfull enough to clean the slots.

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And to finish an over view of the track.

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Having put down the base layer of grass I've added a layer of thicker flock over it, but left a clear area for a footpath. Also added the flock along the fence and around the posts and columes. Also added some hedges along the back of this area and added some flowers to the area.

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Up to now I've been using a power supply purchase for Mapin's here in the UK which has an adjustable stepped output from 5V to 15V which is connected to the Artin power connector unit which plugs into the Artin power straight. I've also connected my Ninco controller to an Artin controller plug. The Ninco controller came from the World Rally set and is about 60 ohm which is ok for the Cortina, XK120, Polo and not to bad for the Mustang. However its's way to high for the Mini but I can use an Artin controller for the Mini but it doers get a bit hot. I also have a 2 pole 2 way switch in the wiring between power supply and track to reverse the direction of travel, but in this configeration I don't have any brakes. When I was using the Ninco track I bought a Ninco Verio 16 controller which is an electronic controller which has 16 different settings and includes brakes and can be set up correctly for all the cars. But being electronic it has to be wire correctly or no more controller. So the answer, weil it looks like I won't be selling the World Rally set for a while as it no longer has a power connector. I unscrews the connector unit and cut a few wires, this way I just have to conect the wires that went to the Ninco track rails to the Artin rails and I can screw the unit under the support frame of the track. I can use the Ninco power supply the Vario 16 controller and the power connector unit has direction changing switches built in.

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Here's a couple of photos of the flowers now everything is dry.

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The water has finally arrived and the flooded area by the overpass has been done and the first layer of water in the pond. The water need 2-3 days to cure and can only be put down in 3mm layers so the pond will take a little while to do. Will have to see what it looks like when dry, still wet in photos, and it can shrink a bit as well so will have to see what happens.

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Moving on the the area between the front loop and the gravel climb a few trees have arrived, I got these when I went to the railway shop, quite cheap and not a bad size either.

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Next addition was amaco barrier on the right hand climb. This has only been hot glues in place which sould be ok as the barrier is not likely to be hit by any cars. The barrier used in Ninco, which I think look good as amaco barrier. I got a lot of ebay from 3 or 4 different sells and a lot had the fixing nibs missing and was no use for my Ninco track , but with the 'posts' cut of at Ninco tack level they are easy to glue in place.

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Next thing was to put some water in the holes in the ground inside the lefthand loop.

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Talking about water the product I'm using Jarvis Water should take 2-3 days to dry, now I don't know if it's because it's cold or damp here but the waster is not setting properly. The water use above was more or less set in 3 days but the water by under the overpass took a week to just about set and the water in the pond still has not set after 2 weeks. I may have put in in a bit thicker than the 3 mm maxium but as yet no sign of it setting.

With the water came some field grass and I had a go at setting some in the wet areas.

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Not happy with the result at this point, have to see what it's like when the water has set.

Next thing was to hide the glue used to fix the barrier in place and this was done with the field grass and flock.

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Then I carried on around the track with the flock along the top and bottom of the cliffs.

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While I was at the Railway shop I bought some litchin and used this on the righthand side of the track between the loop and the lower part of the climb. Most of it looks ok but I'm not happy with the very light colour and need to find a way to darken it down abit.

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A few more photos of the fence and dog walker.

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I've trimmed the field grass around the wet area and also decided to make this in to a small pond. Think the grass looks better but still no really right.

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Still can't get the area around the fields entrance right, after 4 or 5 coats of matt clear cote I had to re do the mud effect and then gave it a coat of klear. It should now be a shiny gloss finsh but it's not, although the gritty effect of the paint has be lost the surface still fills rough and isn't at all slippery. Because of this I have decided to get some gloss varnish to coat the area with.

Now the glue is dry I took the vac to the flock and this is the result. Also added some extra bushes in this area but still don't like the light litchen

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A little photo update of the frack from a drivers view.

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I've added some grass to the left hand loop and over the green gtound cover on the outside of the loop. Also gone around the rest of the outside of the track with the 2 shades of grass cover and while laying the grass down between the front loop and the down hill section I found a way to darken the yellow Litchen, by rubbing the grass in to it.

Also added another layer of water to the small pond and set some ducks into the water. When it's dry the 2 ducklings on the edge will be put on the water, I hope that you will still be able to see the reflections of the ducks when the water has dried.

While I was in the art shop getting the gloss varnish I also got some other paints and a bag of heather mix which has been used around the trees. One of the things I bought in the toy shop was some pre made wire branches some of which I have used to make some hedging. Also made a gap in the hedging opposite the footpath on the other side of the road.

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Fitted the power connector from the Ninco track in place under the track.

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And heres a nice view across the track and 3 general views of the whole track as it is now.

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One last thing I got at the toy shop was some wire trees to which I have glued some follage. These are supposted to be weeping willows but I think I may have used too dark a colour and and they could really do with a lot more branches. These will be going around the pond when the water has dried and hopefully will look better when in place.

I was not happy with the look of the Weeping Willows so I tried something different with them. First I cut up some of the light field grass I have in to small peices and with this I mixed some loose fibers from the course flock. The flock has a mix of a couple of light greens and a darker green. I dipped the branches in watered down PVC and the into the new mixture.

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I wanted to put one of the trees on the right side of the pond (you can see the light patch of brown where the hole is) but it hid the pond from sight. Another problem is the the trees are dropping bits of fibre but I don't want to spray the trees with PVA as I don't want to flatten the fibres. I might have to get some hair spray and try that. You can see the dropped fibres in the photos and another problem is that althought it appeared to be dry the water seems to have a tacky surface and the fibres are sticking to it.

Talking of water the water in the main pond has now set althought this also has a tacky finish to it. It needs a few more layers yet but I may leave this for a while as the weather has turned chilly here.

November 2012 updates.

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